There is a very common belief that any Friday that happens to be the 13th day of the month is inherently bad luck. So much so, that people will blame ANY bad thing happening on that day due to the fact it is the 13th.
You can pick any date in history and find bad things that happened on that day. People will search to see what all happened on a Friday the 13th and then say, “SEE?! This is Bad!”
The Myth of Friday the 13th is commonly attributed to Christianity. Judas was the 13th Guest at the Last Supper, and most know how that turned out. There is another story that says the Knights Templar were decreed to be assassinated on a Friday the 13th as well.
Of course writers decided to capitalize on the superstition of this “Bad Luck Day” by creating stories and movies. In the early 1900’s Thomas Lawson wrote a book called “Friday the 13th” with many bad things befalling the main character. And who can forget the Horror Movies called Friday the 13th with Jason. There are more. So many short stories and shows that spread the fear behind this day.
This became so normalized many hotels will never put a 13th floor or a room 13 in their buildings. Many cities will skip the number 13 when numbering their streets. How can ONE number be so bad?
Breaking the Myth:
Why the hate for not only the 13th Friday, but also the number in general? Let’s look at this from another angle. Old stories from the BC era have stories where the number 13 had very Divine Feminine ties. The Moon is often associated with the Feminine Deities (yes there are some exceptions). However there are 13 Lunar Cycles in each year- using the Gregorian Calendar we use today. The Moon is also tied to Women as we have typically have 13 cycles in each year. Friday was even named for the Norse Goddess Freya. Many calling it Freya’s Day. So a Friday the 13th is seen as Doubly Good!
Even the number 13 has so many superstitions against it. In Tarot, the Death Card is the 13th card. 13 and Death doesn’t actually symbolize someone will physically die… That is what the fearmongers say. I means the cycles of Life, Death and Rebirth in a Spiritual Sense. Death of the old conditioning and patterns that are holding us back from connecting to our Soul, our Intuition, our Power. It is Death of the Ego that holds us back from growth and a Rebirth into Awakening to new Ideas, Inspirations and Growth. However many people are so scared of the unknown. Taught to fear our own Inner Power.
Friday the 13th is seen by many Pagans as a Sacred Day of the Divine Feminine. A day that celebrates the Natural Cycles of Life, Death and Rebirth. Of Healing and Nature.
Thinking Critically:
I have my ideas on why. There are so many articles and books that go over the Why this became so common. To hide the Power of the Divine Feminine. Think. Do your own research. Be a Rebel and break free from fear and what we have been taught. Think Critically and Question Everything. That is how we break out of our Comfort Zones and GROW! Look at the writings you find and think about the timeframe it was written. What was the thinking behind the acts you read about? What was the Spin the author wanted to focus on? (hint: this all works for today’s media as well)
Remember to Break Away from Fear. Perhaps look at today as a Blessed and Sacred Day! I personally try to see everyday as Blessed and Sacred. It helps me shift my outlook on all that goes on each day. That way no day is inherently “bad”. There is something Good or even Ok to find in each day. A reason to perhaps Smile or Sing.
So Much Love and Support,
About The Author
I help people fall in love with, and FULLY Accept themselves. I help people break through self-limiting beliefs and calm their inner storms. I help people get creative and find adventure in their Life Again. I help people realize they are far more Loved, Accepted, and Supported then they give themselves credit for. My passion is to help people transform into the best versions of themselves! I am a Certified Professional Life Coach who uses Traditional and Spiritual techniques. Some of my methods include: CBT, NLP, Mindful Stress Release, Energy healing and channeling; divination and mentoring to help you feel better; learn about your spiritual team; connect with them; and co-create with Fate to create the life you have always dreamed of! I am trained in the Shamanic Arts, a Medium, Esoteric Energy Healer, Psychopomp and more, who uses technology in my craft. I perform my services in person AND via Zoom! There are No Limits to where we can go!
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