It is difficult when you can see the crap someone is doing and everyone else seems completely blind to it all. The manipulation, the lies, the corruption, misogyny, bigotry and worse. Once we have been there and broken free, we can see it in others so much easier than people who have not. I am fed up with a lot of stuff I have seeing around me. Not at home… No, all over. I have friends who have expressed frustration as to why no one is waking up to the narcissistic crap so many people fall for. So, I created this Spell to help. I made the language Inclusive of the Spell Caster as well. Since we all need a little extra help in seeing through the shit sometimes.
Open Our Eyes Spell
Need 1 Purple or Violet Candle
If desired you can add in Mugwort, Blue Vervain and Dragon’s Blood Incense or Resin.
My main intention for this Spell:
Allow the Light of the Flame to illuminate All and burn the Veil of illusions away!
Gather the Ingredients and place them on a fire safe dish. Focus on your Intention. Light the incense (if using) and the Candle. Speak this next part out loud;
“With this Spell, I intend for All to See the Lies, Hate, Corruption, Greed, Injustice, and Controlling Methods of those who use them. Peel back the Shadows so we may Truly See! See the efforts to Separate us, when we Need to Unite! Open All Eyes so those who use those tactics are Seen for who they really are. Open All Eyes to the Hope and Empathy already within our Hearts. Empathic Union is needed Now.
So Be It. It Is Done.”
Have fun performing the Spell! Add anything else you feel will add oomph to your working. I love adding in music that fits the mood to any of my workings. Music is always a ‘Glimmer’ for me.
So Much Love and Support,
To work with me as your Guide, Click Here: https://techwitchlair.com/work-with-me-to-transform-your-life/
For more spells ideas, go to: https://techwitchlair.com/my-open-spell-book