Adventurous Spirit Foundations Course

All Courses are being Refined and will be Available soon!

The Adventurous Spirit Foundations Course is designed to help you Reignite the Power Within! We all have Spiritual Gifts and Skills we can tap into. In this course, we will go over the basics to help you craft a solid foundation to increase your connection to your intuition, awareness, and your Spiritual Teams! Everyone has Guides who support, love, and uplift us in so many ways.

12 Lessons that help you learn:

  1. Many ways of Grounding and the importance of consciously choosing to connect to Mother Earth.
  2. Building a Sacred Space for ourselves within our space. We will go over cleansing techniques of self, and space as well. Include spell jars, altar tools, crystals, sage, herbs etc…
  3. Basic Protection Methods with instructions and how you can modify for your needs/intuition.
  4. Exploring Energy and Different Dimensional Bodies. Include Earth, and Universal Connections.
  5. What do people mean by shadow work? Tips, Ideas, Symbology to work on our Shadows. 
  6. Cycle Breaker Session and the importance of Self Care!
  7. Power of Meditation, Music, Divination and more.
  8. Signs, Synchronicities, Dream Interpretation.
  9. Types of Guides and how to connect to them. Will provide a separate video with a personalized meditation for connecting you to 1 of their Power Animals. We will go over offerings as well.
  10. Meditation of the Wheel to unlock your skills from past lives, gifts from the universe with integration, activation and grounding to bring it all into the physical reality.
  11. Crafting Spells/Rituals to aid you in many things. Include Manifesting and connecting to others to send them energy for raising their moods, vibrations, even healing.
  12. One on One Session for added support and to explore any topic a bit more in depth, tailored to each Student’s needs.

This course will be available starting March 2024

Freebies Included:

*Student will receive an autographed copy of my Dream Work Journal ($12 value, FREE)
*Student will receive a personalized Digital Watercolor of that Power Animal with a message for them as well. $149 value, FREE)
*Student will receive the Sacred Sanctuary Guided Meditation FREE as part of the course. ($33 Value)
*Student will receive 4 months access to the Uniquely Inspired Group Healing Sessions ($352 Value Free)
*Student will have unlimited access to the Adventurous Spirit Academy Support Facebook Group
Total in freebies= $546


Cost for the course is $1081. That Angel Number is a reminder to focus on your own Spiritual Practice and Connect with your Inner Self. Ready to enroll? Click Here for the payment link.

Payment Plans are available. Just email me at or use the Contact Form.