Get introduced to 2 Members of Your Spiritual Team!
We ALL have Spirit Guides! We ALL have many different types of Guides who are with us every single step of the way.
Some walk with us our entire lifetime.
Some walk with us for many lifetimes.
Some only walk with us for a season.
Some are only here to teach us a few things and then move on to another person.
Some help us heal from a particular event, thing, mindset, etc… then go help others once we have fully healed and integrated.
Have you been wondering who may be a part of your Team, working closely with you?
My ‘You Are Supported’ session will introduce you to 2 members of your Team! I will connect with them and get you information on 2 members who want you to know they are with you. How they are helping you. Since I am an Energy Channel, we will also remove some blockages or barriers within you so you may interact with them more effectively.
There are two ways to book this session!
1-Live session via zoom that will last approx. 30-40 minutes. You will get a recording of this session. https://BookNowWithTechWitchLair.as.me/YouAreSupported
2-Recorded Video with all the information and Energy Channeling that you can watch when your schedule permits. https://buy.stripe.com/cN29Eg0Xx4GDbZecNg
*You will receive the Energies within the video no matter when you watch. Universal Energies are timeless and can assist anytime. This is one of the many reasons I LOVE this work!
This session is $97 and the price already includes tax and fees.
Allow me to help you Fully Realize Just How Supported You Are. I am Happy to Help!