This Ritual is very simple yet can be so emotional and heartfelt. This Ritual is designed to help you Connect to a passed on loved one. It does not matter if they were Family, Friend or even a Pet. It works and helps us healing while grieving. I have personally used this Ritual several times. I also recommend it to my clients when they have experienced a loss and asked for my assistance.
Only three things are needed:
- Write a letter to that individual. You can include how much you love and miss them, of course. However, don’t just focus on that. Also recall some memories you will always Cherish with them. This will help you focus on the good, fun, silly, warm times.
Do Not Push Yourself here. Take your time with this step. Sometimes in grief, we don’t recall as much as we want too right away. Also those dealing with chronic illnesses or age related memory issues…. (I am raising my hand here LOL. I deal with brain fog often) Give yourself the grace, compassion and time to get what you want to say IN the way you want to say it. Nothing formal either… Just heart felt.
- Get a candle and a fire safe dish. The color can be anything you have on hand; a color they loved; or even a color that reminds you of them. There is No Wrong Way for this. Promise!
- I will add in a picture; something of theirs; or something that reminds me of them as well. This helps me focus on them, along with the letter and our intention.
Performing the Ritual:
When you have everything ready and arranged how you want it to be, light your candle. You can ask your Guides and Higher Self to help you get this letter and the love you are sharing to the individual you are connecting with, if that feels right for you. State the individual’s name and read the letter out loud to them. As if they were in the room with you. Often, their Spirit is with us. The Love and energy of the feelings from your memories will flow to them, just as they flow through you as well. This can create a connection of Love with them. If you want that. This is also very emotional and can be very healing.
After you are finished reading it. You can sit there awhile longer, or go about your business. Never leave a candle burning unattended. It is ok to snuff it out if you need too.
Advice for After the Ritual:
Self Care is a great idea after any Ritual that is Emotional or Energy Intensive. Rest, food, hydration, or even a shower or bath can help us replenish our emotional reserves. Plus, this will reinforce within us that we deserve to care for ourself too. We are just as important as the people we love. That is something we can easily lose sight of while grieving.
I Love You. Thank you for reading and I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me. Sending you Great Big Internet and Energetic Hugs (if you accept, that is)
So Much Love and Support,
About the Author:
I help people fall in love with, and FULLY Accept
themselves. I help people break through self-limiting beliefs and calm their
inner storms. I help people get creative and find adventure in their Life
Again. I help people realize they are far more Loved, Accepted, and Supported
then they give themselves credit for. My passion is to help people transform
into the best versions of themselves! I am a Certified Professional Life Coach
who uses Traditional and Spiritual techniques. Some of my methods include: CBT,
NLP, Mindful Stress Release, Energy healing and channeling; divination and
mentoring to help you feel better; learn about your spiritual team; connect
with them; and co-create with Fate to create the life you have always dreamed of!
I am trained in the Shamanic Arts, a Medium, Esoteric Energy Healer, Psychopomp
and more, who uses technology in my craft. I perform my services in person AND
via Zoom! There are No Limits to where we can go!
✨🔥🌊🌎⛅ ✨
Check out my Podcast, Uniquely Loved, on the Tech Witch Niki YouTube Channel.
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