Uniquely Loved and the Ritual of Cherished Memory

Episode 76

   Today I am sharing a simple spell I call, Ritual of Cherished Memory. It is a heartfelt way to connect to those who have passed on. It doesn’t matter if it is a recent loss or older. It helps.
This is coming up due to Memorial Day being Monday. An emotional time for many, including me.

You can listen to the episode on your fav station, or here: https://uniquelyloved.podbean.com/e/ritual-of-cherished-memory/

Also on my YouTube Channel at: https://youtu.be/Fsw5XWeCTsM

If you prefer to read the Ritual Instructions, go Here: https://techwitchlair.com/2024/05/23/ritual-of-cherished-memory/

I mention a different Ritual at the end of this episode, here is the link for that one: https://techwitchlair.com/2024/05/22/honoring-the-fallen-ritual/

So Much Love and Support,