Happy Birthday Spell

On his Birthday, my husband and I created a simple spell to add oomph to our “normal” making a wish while blowing out the candle tradition. The graphic explains it all.
Simple yet powerful way to make your desires for the next year known and ask for the Blessings from the Universe, Your Guides, etc…
It was short and peaceful. We did this before eating his fav food and having his Birthday Pie. (he doesn’t really like cake lol) The kids were hanging on him (literally for the 6 year old🤣) as he opened his gifts and gave him tons of love. 💕

This has become a small easy tradition we are doing for each of our Birthdays. Today (the day I am posting this article, is my oldest daughter’s Birthday. 11!!!! 🤩)

I love adding our own magic into the mix of more “traditional” methods. It makes them Ours. Do something for You that is Yours. ✨🌞
Much Love and Support,

For more spells ideas, go to: https://techwitchlair.com/my-open-spell-book/