How do you like the snow? It is really, really freaking cold where I am right now and it snowed over the weekend. I remember as a kid I loved snow. Every chance I got, I would go out and play in it. I moved around a lot, so I didn’t have a whole lot of opportunities in my life to actually experience snow. It was super magical and fun when I did. And as I grew up, it seemed to lose a lot of its majesty. It lost a lot of the fun because I had to learn how to drive in snow and experience all the different ways that it can impede a lot of our travel.
I want to help you recapture some of that magic. If you’ve lost it. Because Snow can still be so magical, even as adults. And sometimes it takes a little bit of childlike whimsy to experience it again. My kids showed me that this weekend and it was Great. We didn’t get enough snow to really make a whole lot of snowballs. It was only about an inch and a half, but it was so cold and it looked so pretty. It was all shimmery. My girls were So Excited! We did a few different magical workings while we were out there.
Here are Four Different Ideas for Snow Magick!
The first one is extremely simple. All you do is pick a word or an intention, something that you want to bring into your life. Something that you want to manifest, and then you just write it in the snow. When you write it in the snow, you focus your attention to what you’re writing and what it means to you. Then, as the snow melts, it will actually take it into the earth and help ground it in. It will release it out into the universe as well. It grounds it into the earth so it can manifest in your physical reality. It is literally that simple.
Now another one you’ve probably heard about is Moon Water. You can make snow water just as magical as moon water. You can use it in a lot of the same workings too. Snow brings this aura of stillness, of calm to the earth. It seems like everything is just blanketed and all tucked in. When you’re inside nice and warm, that’s what it always feels like for me when I’m looking out at everything. It’s like the world just stands still for a little bit. You can actually bring that energy into your home by gathering just a little bit of snow. Put some snow in a jar and allow it to melt and you can use it in your workings. It can help you to self regulate or calm the storm within. Snow water can calm some situations that may be a little more tempestuous at work or around the house or neighborhoods or whatnot. You add that into your spell, working with the intention of bringing in that calmness.
If you gather the snow during a snowstorm or a Blizzard you can capture that Energy as well. And I love to amplify my manifestations with energy like that, whether it be from a storm or snow storm, it doesn’t matter what kind. It’s fast and furious. I’m not saying furious as in anger. It’s just more intense, kind of like working with fire, but in a snowy context. You can use that water to help you manifest things a whole lot quicker. So give it a try.
This weekend, both my daughters wanted to do something a little bit different. It was really, really reflective of the things that they’re going through right now and I thought it was really awesome.
My youngest daughter wanted to build a snowball wall. She made the small “mountain”, and then she wanted to stomp the heck out of it and make it go flat. She is extremely sensory seeking and it was perfect for her. So I helped her set the intention that as she was doing this, she was breaking down the barriers and blockages energetically within her. Everything intertwined with her and her life to help break down those barriers so she can Thrive. Not just this year, but throughout life. And you can do that too just by setting the intention and then you stomp, stomp, stomp on all of the hurdles that you may face, the obstacles and roadblocks. Sometimes when we see an obstacle, it can look like a mountain. And if we treat it like it’s just a little speed bump, something that we can kick over or knock over like a like a mound of snow; we can shift the energy and our perspectives of that obstacle. So I was helping her do that. She’s 7, so she doesn’t fully understand, but she was all for it.
And the more we can add some fun into the mix, the more amplifies everything anyways. It makes our energy lighter. You know, we feel brighter and Less heavy. And that’s always a great thing.
Now my oldest daughter, she is a creative and she made a snow girl. The snow girl was maybe only a foot tall. It was adorable, and she decorated it with leaves. We have these little sweet gum balls. Some people call them witches’ balls. She used those as eyes and it was just completely adorable with little sticks for arms, and the leaves kind of made it look like she had a Mohawk.

For this snow girl, we set intentions for everything that she wants. So as her little snow girl melts, it’ll help anchor all of those intentions, those manifestations into the Earth as well. Much like writing the letter or writing the word in the snow, but this one represented her and everything that she wants, whether it be this year or her life. I left that up to her, of course. She felt great. It’s a form of sympathetic magic that anyone can do. And, best of all? You don’t have to do any of this out loud. You can do this by setting the intention and just thinking it and it works because you’re putting your will, your focus, your attention into it. And where our focus and attention goes, our energy flows.
All of these are wonderful ways to create magic while still having fun. And anytime that we can have fun, Especially as an adult because we tend to lose that sense of magic and wonder as we grow up. Anytime we can actually have more fun, it kind of stirs up that rebellious teenager within us. Its like, you know what? I don’t have to be serious! I don’t have to be all stoic all the time! I can enjoy My Life. The more that we do that, the more our heart sings. It truly does because it is an act of rebellion against everything that would hold us back. Keep us down. So have Fun! Make magic that is Yours! And have fun with it. It is so Worth it.
You are so Worth it!
Go try it. Make it Yours. Do whatever feels right for you and have Fun with it.
So Much Love and Support,
About The Author
I help people fall in love with, and FULLY Accept themselves. I help people break through self-limiting beliefs and calm their inner storms. I help people get creative and find adventure in their Life Again. I help people realize they are far more Loved, Accepted, and Supported then they give themselves credit for. My passion is to help people transform into the best versions of themselves! I am a Certified Professional Life Coach who uses Traditional and Spiritual techniques. Some of my methods include: CBT, NLP, Mindful Stress Release, Energy healing and channeling; divination and mentoring to help you feel better; learn about your spiritual team; connect with them; and co-create with Fate to create the life you have always dreamed of! I am trained in the Shamanic Arts, a Medium, Esoteric Energy Healer, Psychopomp and more, who uses technology in my craft. I perform my services in person AND via Zoom! There are No Limits to where we can go!
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