Last year I had the privilege of helping a young man and his wife connect to their Spiritual Guides. They were nervous and feeling confused as to all the signs being received. They wondered if they were just coincidence or actual communication. Some of the dreams he was having seemed to be more than dreams as well. I was able to connect with their Guides and validate signs and visuals for them. Many I confirmed that JP never even mentioned to me. He was shocked when I started talking about a few things he hadn’t even brought up yet.
Their Guides warned them of some upcoming challenges and affirmed they were going to be Guided and Protected during all of them. I helped them find ways to connect and encouraged daily communication with their Teams. I was guided to teach them some coping mechanisms and discuss how to connect with, and honor, their Ancestors. This forewarned me about what was about to happen next.
JP’s Mother in Law was going though some health issues that made hospice a viable concern. They were her primary care givers and she lived with them. I was able to help ease some of their fears and some of her pain in the process of my working with them. I used a combination of Energy Healing and Shamanic Journeying to aid them all in some deep Soul and Energetic healing. After some time, his Mother in Law decided she was ready for her next journey, and I had the honor of helping her cross over and comforting JP and his wife during this transition.
I had the privilege of aiding a family in a specific time of need and helped them find ways to cope with the grief of losing their Mom. They learned the tools they needed to continue their Spiritual Journey and how to handle some of life’s more challenging lessons.