Over the last two years, I have worked with Yosuke off and on in person and via Zoom. His schedule was rather difficult to work around since he is in the Military and has the typical responsibilities that come with that and being a family man. Yosuke was dealing with Imposter Syndrome. He was plagued by thoughts that he wasn’t good enough, he was going to get fired from his job (difficult to do in the Military, but a valid concern), and he was failing as a father. During our time together, I have helped him realize he is far more proficient in his profession than he ever gave himself credit for. He started communicating more with his co-workers and students in a way that showcased his playful nature and opened up those around him. Yosuke realized his love of teaching really made a huge difference in the lives of his students and his fellow instructors. He was flabbergasted at the Positive feedback he was receiving for his presence. He no longer feared he was doing a terrible job at molding the minds and skills of his students.
This also translated to his home life. He realized that his care and attention to his family made a larger impact than he thought. He changed a few things in how he interacted with them and even opened to connecting with his Spiritual Team! He learned to let go of fear and anger and embrace the love and joy around him daily. He became more mindful of his words and actions. He is now taking empowered steps to create his dream life when he retires later this year! He has found his dream job after the Military and is creating the plan to achieve it. I LOVE helping people find what makes them happy and feel fulfilled!