What is a Simmer Pot anyways?
Simmer Pots are a wonderful way to create magic within your kitchen! You can use ingredients you have on hand, go forage or purchase whatever you want to add into it. There really are no wrong ways to go about this ritual! I used some items that were on the verge of going bad and I knew my kiddos weren’t going to eat before they turned. I bought some items and had many on hand already.
Have you ever heard about cooking with Intention? This is a way to do just that even when you don’t feel like cooking food. Put water into a pot. Gather any ingredients that create the smell, vibes, energies, and intentions that you are going for! Let it sit and cook as long as you want. It is really That Easy! Simmer Pots are also a Fabulous way to work with all Four Elements! You got the Water you simmer. The plants, foods and herbs represent the Earth. The heat used to Simmer represents the Element of Fire. Then you have your Intentions and the Scent flowing through your Space to represent Air. You and your Magic represent Spirit. This is a complete and easy ritual that utilizes all of the building blocks of our World!
Simmer Pots are really common around this time of year. Why? Well, when you are wanting to get into a festive mood, it can really help when you smell some festive scents! Add in some amazing music and you have created an entire mood that fills your home! You can also warm up the kitchen area by heating the water and all the goodness you put into it.
What can you put into a Simmer Pot?
Look up the meanings and symbolism of the items you have on hand. If you have a specific Intention (Purpose) for your Magical Cookings… then add ingredients in that match your Intention.
Some Common items to add are:
Cranberries- Abundance, Gratitude, Healing, Well Being
Cinnamon Sticks- Abundance, Protection, Prosperity, Healing, Enhance Spiritual Gifts
Mint Leaves- Healing, Abundance, Gratitude, Understanding, Appreciation
Rosemary- Clarity, Protection, Love, Blessings, Cleansing, Honesty, Longevity, Earthy Wisdom
Pine Needles- Steadfastness, Immortality, Resilience, Cleansing, Protection, Forgiveness
Cloves- Protection, Healing, Manifestation, Magic Enhancement, Courage, Strength, Optimism
Citrus Fruits- Cleansing, Purification, Joy, Happiness, Luck
Apples- Abundance, Good Health, Happiness, Fertility
Star Anise- Purification, Protection, Stability, Expansion, Increasing Psychic Gifts, Healing, Luck
Bay Leaves- Manifestation, Abundance, Enhancing your Intentions, Protection, Attract Positive Energies (You can write your intentions on each leaf for greater impact!)
What I added into mine:
Apples- Abundance, Good Health, Happiness, Fertility
Lemon and Oranges- Cleansing, Purification, Joy, Happiness, Luck
Cinnamon Sticks- Abundance, Protection, Prosperity, Healing, Enhancing Spiritual Gifts
Mint Leaves- Healing, Abundance, Gratitude, Understanding, Appreciation
Cilantro Leaves- Endurance, Abundance, Stamina, Resilience, Persistence, Alignment with your Soul
Cloves- Protection, Healing, Manifestation, Magic Enhancement, Courage, Strength, Optimism
Allspice- Courage, Determination, Enhancing Magic, Prosperity, Increasing Energy within you and your Magical Workings
Rosemary- Clarity, Protection, Love, Blessings, Cleansing, Honesty, Longevity, Earthy Wisdom
Star Anise- Purification, Protection, Stability, Expansion, Increasing Psychic Gifts, Healing, Luck
Bay Leaves- Manifestation, Abundance, Enhancing your Intentions, Protection, Attract Positive Energies (You can write your intentions on each leaf for greater impact!)
Thyme- Purification, Courage, Protection, Strength, Happiness, Good Health, Balances Communication
Parsley- Rebirth, Change, Healing, Wisdom, Immortality, Love, Protection
Nutmeg- Enhances Spiritual Connections, Purity, Confidence, Success, Awareness
Pink Himalayan Salt- Protection, Love, Purification, Cleansing, Grounding, Centering, Balancing, Abundance, Prosperity
5 raw eggs- I know this one may seem weird. I love eggs! They are wonderful for absorbing icky or Positive Energies! I added a name to each egg, 1 for each member of my little family. These eggs will soak up some of the Energies I am cultivating within the pot. I will then ‘plant’ them outside to help these Energies Grow as they help the trees I plant them near grow and flourish!
What do you do with it when you are done?
Many will make a tea out of the liquid left behind- if the ingredients were all safe for consumption. Some will use it to aid in their Magical Workings. In a similar way to using Moon Water. Depending on the ingredients used, you can use the liquid for your ritual cleansings. The Pulp makes a wonderful compost for your garden or plants. I will be pouring all of mine by some trees in my backyard to nourish them. Some items we will bury to ground the Energies we created with this working.
I have it going as I write this article. My home smells so amazing right now. It will continue to cook until everyone is home and can enjoy the scent and Energies.
*** Remember that there are NO WRONG WAYS TO DO THIS!!! Make it Your Own! Add in whatever your intuitions draws you too. With Magic like this, we Get to CHOOSE what Energies we want to bring into our home and Magnify!
So Much Love and Support,
Want to know more about Choosing and Balancing your Energies? I have created a Brand New 30 Day Course called Creating Balance Within. This course gives you short easy video lessons with small rituals you can do anytime. Each video includes Energy Healing to help you every time you practice these techniques. Want to know more? Click Here for info on the Course!
About The Author
I help people fall in love with, and FULLY Accept themselves. I help people break through self-limiting beliefs and calm their inner storms. I help people get creative and find adventure in their Life Again. I help people realize they are far more Loved, Accepted, and Supported then they give themselves credit for. My passion is to help people transform into the best versions of themselves! I am a Certified Professional Life Coach who uses Traditional and Spiritual techniques. Some of my methods include: CBT, NLP, Mindful Stress Release, Energy healing and channeling; divination and mentoring to help you feel better; learn about your spiritual team; connect with them; and co-create with Fate to create the life you have always dreamed of! I am trained in the Shamanic Arts, a Medium, Esoteric Energy Healer, Psychopomp and more, who uses technology in my craft. I perform my services in person AND via Zoom! There are No Limits to where we can go!
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Check out my Podcast, Uniquely Loved, on the Tech Witch Niki YouTube Channel.
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