Justice Spell

Preparing the Spell:

We don’t need much for this Swift Flowing Justice Spell. I always prefer to keep my Workings as simple and straightforward as possible. I love to use foil because it makes for easy clean up and we can use the reflective side as an amplifier if you add that into the intention.
* Find a clear space to work on. Place some foil down. Doesn’t have to be a huge piece. One Foot maybe enough.

* Light the bottom of your candle to make it drip. Then place the candle in the middle of the foil.

* Place the Ingredients of your Spell in a ring around the candle. I give enough room to account for wax melting.
***The ingredients for the Justice Spell are: Salt, Agrimony, Vervain ( and\or Poppy). Plus a candle that represents your need. Keep in mind, Rosemary works wonderfully as a substitute and can be found in your local food store. Peppers like Cayenne can add speed and energy to any Spell Workings. If you need to change up this Spell, Go For It! Make it Your Own! 🌞 I will Always encourage this.

Here is how it can look:

Candle at the beginning of the Swift Flowing Justice Spell.
Here is my own Justice Spell. I took the pic right after I stated my incantation. Not pretty, but gets the job done. That is all I need.

Casting the Spell:

* When ready, light the candle and speak your incantation out loud. I focus on the intention of the spell as well as the words. Sometimes it helps to have the issues written down to add another visual for focusing on.
” I call upon my Guides to help me ensure Fate and the Scales of Justice flow in my favor. (State your issue here) I have been wronged and ask for your help in making things right. With My Highest Good at the Heart of this Spell. Protect Me and My Hard Work while Serving Justice to those who have harmed me. I am Grateful for your help. So Be It. It Is Done!”

* I stay with my candles burning for safety reasons. Also… How they burn can be clues and we can often find insight and symbology in the wax formations as it melts. Even how the smoke and flame tilt, flicker, etc.. can be clues.

Here is how it started:

Candle melting in an odd way. Indicating some resistance to Justice being served in my favor.
My candle once the wax really started to melt.

This looked interesting… However take a look as the candle burned:

Candle melt showing me a Guide who is supporting me as I cast my Justice Spell.
This one made me think of someone supporting me, holding my hands as we work through the Spell together. 🥰🥰

So much build up in the future according to the wax reading. But as we can see the flow.. It is Releasing!

Over the top view of the left pic at same time.

Finally it gave way to these 2 pictures:

Almost burnt out here.

Fully Completed Swift Flowing Justice Spell!!! I see images in the wax. What do you see?
Totally burnt out. What do you see?

I was amazed at the different symbols I found looking at the candle! I could see I had some resistances we were breaking through. During the whole burning, the flame was flickering to the right. The right means Future 🌞

What did you see throughout the pictures?
I saw assistance being granted. I saw resistances melting away like butter. I saw the images of 3 Guides in the last picture too. Each as Animal Guides.

FYI- Everything in me, told me this Justice Spell was a Smashing Success!!! I performed this a month ago…. I HAVE seen the beginnings of the results already! This one was in-depth for me. I didn’t want to publish a Spell until I know it works…. This Does! I have confirmation that more blessings are flowing to me from the workings of this Spell.

What to do if you get confused by the symbols?

Not to worry! Many spellcasters won’t even concern themselves with this part. However, I Love it!! It connects me to what my Guides are telling me in the moment. Our Guides usually give us symbology – or that is how our Subconscious speaks to our Intuition. So I love understanding it all! As much as I can.

* Google different symbols and go with what feels right for you in that moment.
* Use Divination to chat with your Guides and Higher Self to gain insight. Pendulums, Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards, throwing Bones, reading with Charms, etc… Whatever your preferred method is.

(if you don’t have one yet.. that is ok too!!! )Try any and see what you like- if you want too. Those are not the only way to communicate with your Spiritual Team! Find what works for you! If you would like help, I am here to aid you.

So Much Love and Support,

To work with me as your Guide, Click Here: https://techwitchlair.com/work-with-me-to-transform-your-life/

For more spells ideas, go to: https://techwitchlair.com/my-open-spell-book