The Power of Water is an amazing renewing phenomenon. Water has the ability to clean, hydrate and rejuvenate our bodies. Tired and sore from a long day? Take a bath or a nice hot shower and you usually feel better, right? Did you know that water has many different magical properties? Practitioners of the magickal arts have used water to:
Perform Scrying- remote viewing of others and places, a form of divination
Create Potions- combined with herbs, crystals, and other oils/liquids to create concoctions that heal, charm, cleanse, anoint people/tools, and spellwork
Release and Renew your Spirit and Body
The last one is what I want to go over with you today. This is the easiest type of spellwork anyone can do! There is no limit to how often you should or should not perform this ritual either. That is what makes this the most effective way to help you release pent up emotions, frustrations, stress, etc…. AND still be able to go about your day.
I recommend starting this one in the shower, or bath if you prefer those. All you need is your normal shower items and your imagination! We will be utilizing something called visualization for this ritual. You can employ your creative mind or just sense that these things are happening, whatever is more comfortable and feels “right” to you.
Get the water to a comfortable temperature (unless you like the water as hot as Hades… some do)
When you step into the water set the intention, that means think to yourself and the universe, that you are using the water to cleanse not only your body but your soul (or spirit, your preference) as well. Start to think about the emotions or feelings you are trying to release and say to yourself (out loud or in your head) I am washing away my stress, frustration, intrusive thoughts, etc… Imagine that those feelings are coming up from within you and out of your pores to be washed away in the water. I put a color to mine, a sickly green/orange color. I visualize this color being washed down the drain (much like hair dye) and going into Mother Earth to be transmuted into something more positive or helpful. I have always been told that energy is always there, however it can be transformed into different things. No one better to do that than the Mother we live on, right?
Take your shampoo, conditioner, soap in whatever order you usually clean yourself off and breathe in the scent of your cleaner. As you inhale the flowery, woodsy, citrusy scents say to yourself, “I breathe and embody calm, peace, clarity, focus, carefree (insert what you want to feel here)”.
I will visualize the releasing parts everytime I rinse off the shampoo, conditioner and soap. And do the breathe in and embody every time I apply the product. This helps me focus on releasing the unwanted and breathing in the wanted feelings. This really helps set these ideas in place. Our brains are usually wired so repetition helps us remember and get things engrained.
This ritual can also be used every time you wash your hands. Many of us do that a LOT lately, so why not make it more meaningful? It can help break you out of a tough mental spot by redirecting your thoughts and feelings to something more helpful. Something you have control over.
Give this a try. Once you get a feel for it, you can modify this however you feel you need to. Have fun with it and get creative.
Much Love and Support,
Niki Jones
About the Author
I help people fall in love with, and FULLY Accept
themselves. I help people break through self-limiting beliefs and calm their
inner storms. I help people get creative and find adventure in their Life
Again. I help people realize they are far more Loved, Accepted, and Supported
then they give themselves credit for. My passion is to help people transform
into the best versions of themselves! I am a Certified Professional Life Coach
who uses Traditional and Spiritual techniques. Some of my methods include: CBT,
NLP, Mindful Stress Release, Energy healing and channeling; divination and
mentoring to help you feel better; learn about your spiritual team; connect
with them; and co-create with Fate to create the life you have always dreamed of!
I am trained in the Shamanic Arts, a Medium, Esoteric Energy Healer, Psychopomp
and more, who uses technology in my craft. I perform my services in person AND
via Zoom! There are No Limits to where we can go!
✨🔥🌊🌎⛅ ✨
Check out my Podcast, Uniquely Loved, on the Tech Witch Niki YouTube Channel.
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